Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Paragraph Politics

The Revolutionary
At eighteen, Daniel Zurich, witnessed his first death. A fight broke out over a box of chicken nuggets leading one man to shoot another. Daniel was eating a cheeseburger. Three days later Daniel read Karl Marx for the first time. During the next five years Daniel would become intimately acquainted with the work of Bakunin, Lenin, Voline, Proudhon, Engels, Kropotkin, and other socialists, communists, anarchists. At thirty years of age Daniel founded IWUF (International Workers Union Front), it was short lived. Daniel became increasing frustrated at the world. Corporations abused the proletariat. The capitalists controlled the government. The poor were uneducated and killing themselves, for money, in gangs, for honor that never follows.
Daniel Zurich would die at the age of forty in a car accident driving on his way to San Francisco for the first time.

The Nation
Children wave their flags in the air like warriors readying spears. Bombs burst in the sky. Bombs burst everywhere, but there the flags are burning and books are turning pages for new phrases of worship, here the dye runs red in altar stages for peons who fill baskets with allowances and tumble heavily into their cars. They are evil, we know. They are evil, ok we all know that. A shit storm needs to happen. A storm that will tear up all the dandelions and expose their green soaked capillaries. Ready the spear, boys. We have a traitor and terrorist in our midst. Strike everywhere, but the shadows. We call out to you from the shadow.

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